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Beech Hill Primary School

Keeping Safe 

People who keep you safe at school

All grownups at school are always happy to help you if you have a problem or a worry that you need to share or talk about. You can speak to anyone at any time of the school day. There are some adults who have a special job at school and they are part of the Safeguarding Team:

  • Miss Carson – Safeguarding Lead
  • Mr Davidson – Deputy Safeguarding Lead
  • Mr Munir – Safeguarding Officer
  • Mrs Riaz – Safeguarding Officer
  • Mrs Begum – Safeguarding Officer
  • Mrs Amin - Safeguarding Officer

You can ask any adult in the school to take you to see a member of the Safeguarding Team if you need to speak to one of them.


Childline are an organisation who can help you if you are feeling unsafe or unhappy. You can call them, chat online or read useful information on their website click here . You can click on the link and it will take you straight to the website. 

  Childline : 0800 11 11




NSPCC : 0808 800 5000


Keeping your body safe

Every child has the right to keep their body safe and private – the NSPCC have a video which explains this a bit more click here to view. You can click on this link and it will take you straight to the video.

Staying safe online

Lots of you use mobile phones, tablets and computers to access the internet. It is very important that you know how to keep yourself safe online. Think You Know has a great website that offers lots of advice, support and videos to help you to keep safe:


You can also contact them for help if you are worried about something online: https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/.

Bedfordshire Police

If you feel unsafe, you can always contact the police by calling 999. You can also contact them via their website click here to view