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Beech Hill Primary School


School governors are volunteers who help to run the school and together the ‘governing body’ are involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline. The Governing Body operates with three Committees: Finance, Personnel and Resources Committee, Teaching and Learning Committee and Pay Committee

Chair 2024-2025

Ms Kerry Watson


Vice-Chair 2024-2025

Mrs Angela Walters


Mr Chris Davidson
Start of office: 01.09.18

Parent Governors


Yasmin Sultana

Start of office: 01.07.24

Local Authority Governor

Ms Kerry Watson
Start of office: 11.09.19 (re-appointed 11th September 2023)

Staff Governor

Tajkia Choudhury                            
Start of office: 02.09.18 (re-elected 1st September 2022)

Co-Opted Governor

Zakir Ahmed

Start of office: 20.11.20

Angela Walters 

Start of Office: 01.09.23 

Sarwat Fatima

Start of Office: 18.12.24

Governance Clerking Services

Devine Education Consultancy Ltd



The school Governors can be contacted using the main school contact details or you can email

Chair of Governors, Kerry Watson on the following: chair@beechhillprimary.com

For general enquiries please contact our Clerk to the Governing Body on admin@beechhillprimary.com.

For Governor related enquiries please contact the Clerk to the Governors via the school office.

Message from the Chair of Governors

A warm welcome from your Governing Body,

Your Governors help to ensure Beech Hill continues to be a welcoming school where pupils progress and achieve to the very best of their abilities. We do this by working with the Senior Leadership Team of the school, sharing the important tasks and decisions that help shape the school.

The Governor team is made up of people from many different ethnicities and backgrounds with a variety of experience and expertise. As a team, we have one thing in common, we place the children at the heart of everything we do, and in doing so hope to have a positive impact by actively supporting the school and acting as a critical friend; whilst being mindful of the challenges and utilising the benefits of the vibrant community that our school belongs to.

Our responsibilities are varied and encompass several areas including:

  • Setting Targets for the Senior Leadership Team
  • Monitoring pupil achievement
  • Ensuring statutory requirements are met and achieved
  • Financial oversight
  • Setting priorities for the school’s continued development and improvement

The members of the Governing Body are proud and privileged to be able to contribute to the leadership of Beech Hill for the benefit of all children, parents and staff. We hope you will take time to get to know your Governing Body.  Please feel free to get in touch at any time.

Yours truly,
Chair of Governors

Email:  chair@beechhillprimary.com
Telephone:  01582 393 451 (via the school)

Meet The Governors

To find out more about the members of our Governing Body please see the attached document. If you would like further clarification regarding our Governing Bodies pecuniary interests please contact The Clerk to the Governing Body via the school office. 

 Welcome from the Governors

 Welcome Letter from the Governing Body

Governors Year Plan

Governor Year Plan and Visit schedule