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Beech Hill Primary School

History at Beech Hill


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.

That is why we call it the present.” – Master Oogway

History Curriculum Intent

Our young historians will gain a deep, well-rounded and chronologically coherent understanding of local, national and internationally significant periods, events and historical aspects.

At Beech Hill we celebrate our own school’s history, understanding the historical journey our school community has experienced since the School opened in 1910.

History of Beech Hill

Our children will leave us feeling inspired and curious to find out even more.  We will support our children to do this by building awareness of both their own heritage and that of the wider world, and by equipping them with the essential substantive and disciplinary knowledge that can be used and applied within meaningful historical enquiry.

The Beech Hill curriculum is designed to develop a passion for learning. Our bespoke, broad and balanced curriculum – addressing academic and social needs - fosters progress, achievement and ambition for all children, recognising and celebrating success in everyone.

History Curriculum Overview

History Policy 

Carefully planned curriculum ‘wow’ factors - including access to a wide range of extra-curricular activities and visits - make our pupils’ learning come to life. Experiences enhance learning.